I wish that I had taken more pictures during the event but I was busy, as usual, chipping and making points. There were many more skilled knappers in attendance than are depicted here. Some of those in attendance but not shown above included: Tim Jackson (PA), Dutch Wiley (PA), Mike Santiago (PA), Jim Woodring (PA), Frank Ahrens (PA), John Cappellini (NY), and Dana Klein (NY). It was great to see the return of Joe Olverd (NY) who had taken a couple of years off from knapping due to injury. We were also delighted to be joined by Joe Hewitt, of downstate N.Y. who was unable to be at this year's Stone Tool Craftsman Show in Castile.
In addition to the bonus visit to the rockshelter, we were treated on Sunday to an amazing demonstration of black powder log-splitting technology by Frank and John Ahrens. If you ever have the chance to witness this spectacle it is one you will not soon forget!
Special thanks are due to John and Sandy Ahrens who hosted the event and kept us all very well fed. Thank you also to Jim Woodring and Linda Fischer who generously hosted some of the knappers at their new home.